Auto Loans - Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it - Canada

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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby Concerned_Canadian » Mon Oct 07, 2013 06:14:35 PM

Anyone have any recent experiences in Alberta lately ?
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby TJ.brooks » Tue Feb 12, 2013 02:43:36 AM

O.C., I have absolutely no doubt what you say is absolutely 100 percent true, and that this type of highjacking of info is possible and probably happens everyday in some form or other.
This is a common way to commit ID theft I am sure.
However, having said that....once you recieved a loan by what ever means and have paid on it faithfully for 2 years it is then too late to cry foul.
Obviously the courts felt the same way in this case.
First...prove it happened....then explain why you accepted the final terms for so long and then only after some unrelated dispute cry fraud.
However your point about online security is a very real problem.
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:31:02 PM

T.J., going to say something here that may not suit your fancy, but hey... I might as well toss my view out anyway....

Here's a thought that hasn't yet been discussed on this site yet, as far as I can recall...

Right now I can't recall if Steve used AutocreditSuperstore's website to apply for his loan? But if that was the case, or, if it was another faulted website, then who's to say that the dealer (where the application was entered) didn't stick a PC on the network (in between point A and B), capture the packets, grab his application info, then, re-work it so that it meets the requirement for their loan? .... Sure, the theory might sound far fetched! Thing is, I know how to capture data like that, and analyze it. So, if I can do that, then, there are other Technical oriented buggers on this planet that can do this, too...

Digest the above as you wish... This comment isn't to suggest that's what happened in Steve's case. I'm simply saying the potential to capture this data exists. Hence why I wouldn't use this AutoCreditSuperstore's company's website to apply for a loan! Doing so would be the quite similar to using a public wi-fi to check your banking info or trade stocks. A mistake, waiting to happen.

Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby TJ.brooks » Mon Feb 11, 2013 08:40:13 PM

Or just ask Steve the terminator...lolololol
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Mon Feb 11, 2013 07:39:05 PM

Why the heck would anyone apply via autocreditsuperstore's website???

Look at their bloody connection!!! It's not even protected using an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption protocol. This means that if I'm either in between the hops, or, on the same network (depending on configuration) I can sniff the packets going from the applicant to their corporate website and catch that applicants application info. Don't believe me? Then do some research on a little tool called Wireshark.

Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby Rosscoe » Mon Feb 11, 2013 04:48:05 PM

Hi Mark,

50% equity into the vehicle right away could qualify you for 0% financing depending on which type of vehicle you wanted. This rate would also only apply to a brand new unit.
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby Rosscoe » Mon Feb 11, 2013 04:47:59 PM

Hi Mark,

50% equity into the vehicle right away could qualify you for 0% financing depending on which type of vehicle you wanted. This rate would also only apply to a brand new unit.
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby MarkDavidson » Mon Feb 11, 2013 06:04:34 AM

I am living in Canada and took a car loan for my BMW and it is cleared last year. I want to buy a new car to gift my daughter next month on her birthday. Could you please tell me what will be the interest rate you provide if I pay 50% of total cost of the car.
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RE: Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby stevespinkie » Tue Jan 08, 2013 05:59:44 PM

Does anyone know exactly where Ted Hamelin of works these days ? I have some papers for him........
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Auto Credit Superstore - Tell us about it

Postby stevehodd » Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:25:46 AM

Auto Credit Superstore has many locations including:
Vancouver, Victoria, Abbotsford, Nanaimo, Kelowna, Grande Prairie, Fort McMurray, Westlock, St.Albert, Edmonton, Sherwood Park, Leduc, Camrose, Red Deer, Rocky Mountain House, Calgary, High River, Olds, Lethbridge, North Battleford, Humboldt, Saskatoon, Yorkton, Regina, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, Winnipeg, Halifax, Dartmouth, Bridgewater, Calgary, Hamilton, Oakville, Barrie, Sudbury, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, London, Kingston ALBERTA & Cornwall.

Auto Credit Superstore has created a vast network of dealerships and loan providers nationwide.

Tell us about your experience with "Auto credit Superstore"
Say no to fraudulent loans - Educating one consumer at a time !
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