"My question is, can collection agencies pull my credit report without my consent? If I owed a debt and the CA buys the debt does that give them the right to pull my credit report?
I have about 5 inquiries from CA's and getting rid of these hard inquiries might boost my score. I remember reading something about PIAC or something like that. Can I dispute these or do the CA's have the right to pull my reports?"
Ottawa just PM'd you and I know this was the most commonly broke rule at all agencies.
They can pull one every six months, anything more and you should file a complaint with Trans Union or Equifax.
If they bought the debt then they have the right to pull your info, but they aren't allowed to pull one more than once every six months for the very reason that you are posting here. It will really screw someones credit up and I have known collectors who do this just because someone won't pay them.