Other readers have gone through similar experiences with Brian McNulty, a Markham collections lawyer. These lawyers get 15 or 20 bucks for a collection agency such as CBCC (above) to use their letterheads to mail out threatening letters and pseudo-court documents. Of course, when they go out by the thousands....
For example, see the link below the experience blogger "mel alex" had with with McNulty; thread # 1280, August 8, 2008.
I wouldn't worry much about getting sued. They offered a 60% setlement; counter with a 25 or 30% one next year if you're in a position to settle and want to. They only have until circa Feb., 2010 to sue you but for that amount, it's very unlikely. Fear not; in a case like yours, even if they did take you to court, it would be to your advantage.
Don't get confused by "average joe."