Do you mean $30,000 or $3000? In either case, wow!
No, the bad debt will stay on your file for 6, not 7 years from the "date of last activity" on both your TransUnion and Equifax reports. In fact, it's 6 years for all the provinces in Canada, not just Ontario.
You're right about the 2 year SOL. If they sell the account to a debt buyer, a separate entry for the item will appear under the "collections" section of the credit reports as well as having it remain in the "trade" sections. Aktiv Kapital and ARO are the 2 largest scavenger debt buyers but there are dozens more out there. If it is sold, expect the buyer to put hard inquiries on your credit reports also. No big deal though.
Lastly, the "date of last activity" is defined slightly differently by each of the 2 major credit bureaus in Canada. Equifax's definition is a tad looser than TransUnion's. Irregardless, they refer to the date when the account ORIGINALLY went delinquent. Making subsequent payments on it years later or having it sold off or never paying it does NOT affect the date of last activity.
See the Nov. 11, 2008 post below re my discussions with the 2 bureau legal depts. for details.