by ccmm904 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 01:14:17 PM
you guy's make it sound like something bad is going to happen if you send in proof. if you want it removed from your credit file, and it genuinely isn't you, you'll have to produce documentation to show it. People commit fraud all the time and steal identities to open phone accounts etc. Maybe if Telus wouldn't open people's accounts over the phone...there wouldn't be so much fraud. Unfortunately, we can't just call up Equifax and say "remove Tom Jones listing from his file" you know how many people share the same name? Equifax absolutely requires the following to even pull up the file in their system: full name, date of birth OR SIN#, and current address. Out of all the agencies out there, CBV is the most cooperative when it comes to fixing errors with credit files, etc. It's not our intention, We provide the information we have to Equifax, not our fault they can't get it right and list it to the right name...I spent 30mins on hold the other day trying to contact them to remove a file that was listed to someone else in error...they messed up big time with this crap, and all they will say is that they'll have a fix for it....doesn't make it easy when we're the ones taking all the calls from pissed off consumers that have stuff listed to their files in error.