by Raymond » Fri Dec 05, 2008 11:01:11 AM
Those law clinic guys are somewhat less than impressive but if you've paid him money already, let him handle it.
Writing letters to a collection agency is always a bad idea as they just use it as a written acknowledgment of the debt to renew the limitation period. Your file gets rotated to disorient you. That and the fact that bottom feeding jobs have high turn over ratios.
We've put up about 60 posts on this file and it will take at least 200 more, the way it's going. It's getting insane. As well, although it's possible to pursue this through the Ministry of Consumer Protection in Manitoba and PIPEDA in Ottawa for the 300% penalty, it'll probably require a monumental amount of correspondence, paperwork and effort, especially given the characteristics of the parties involved and the fact you haven't retained any account documentation.
Thus, it probably makes sense to let the law clinic guy see what he can do for you and leave it at that. No one is going to sue you and if they continue to bug you, you can always call them back and hammer them. Or get your husband to do so.
I don't like the fact you sent those letters to the collection agency though. Hopefuly, you didn't sign them as the debt would be stats barred im Manitoba by 2010 anyway. That's why I always tell people to keep their correspondence to the telephone with a collection agency except for preagreed final settlement letters.