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RE: Stephen Harper's bedmates

Postby ppatacake » Tue Apr 26, 2011 02:32:06 PM

Interesting to note that with all the ranting mr.harper does against coalitions, he actually adores them. Did he not get the reformers and (progressive) conservatives to co-habitate so he could form this mongrel government? Did not his straight man Peter McKay yap constantly prior to this freaky alliance that he would never join with the reformers. Well we know with McKay that he likes a warm bed so co-habitation was always on his mind. So now that we have had reformers sleeping with progressives what do we have? Reformed progressives or progressives reformed? I submit we have with that coupling a neutered coalition which we should knock out of the bed for a fresh coalition.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby Zacksdad » Fri Dec 12, 2008 09:02:54 AM

It seems a little funny now with the Liberals and their new leader.One of the main things people say about Harper is his controlling nature and the first hour the Liberal leader is telling people that he and only he speaks for the liberal party.Sounds like Harper in another suit. Isnt Canadian politics something.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby montyloree » Sun Dec 07, 2008 08:35:49 PM

Wow... it seems that Stephane Dion might step down as early as tomorrow... breaking news on CTV...

So.. that whole coalition thing wasn't very stable in the first place.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby Zacksdad » Sun Dec 07, 2008 07:26:22 PM

I must admit that i didnt know the quote from the Simpsons.Just never had time to watch tv much other than watching the Redwings win some cups.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby Vitzbitz » Sun Dec 07, 2008 02:47:39 PM


You're both right. The best thing to come from this is an increased interest and awareness of the Canadian Political system and landscape. That's good.

The coalition IS legal, we've all agreed on that, but it FEELS sneaky and underhanded, particularly as we were just at the polls. Swapping places with Vampchick for a moment, were the Conservatives able to do this to the Liberal gummint a few short years ago I'd have whooped and hollared in support, but now that it's MY government in power it feels like an underhanded power grab.

That it is tactically unsound, on the part of the Liberals, appears evident at this point. The coalition appears seriously shaky a few short days after they threw down their gauntlet.

In the grand scheme of things I've lost interest. It appears to be sabre rattling from a largely neutered party with a leadership deficit. It may have served to rally the hardcore Liberal supporters but may have driven off the borderline ones in the process.

We'll see in a few short weeks what's what.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby vampchick21 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 02:03:07 PM

I just naturally assumed that like myself, anyone would instantly recognize a quote from the longest running and most watched prime time television show in TV history.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby drunkbeerguy » Sun Dec 07, 2008 01:42:31 PM

Well, sarcasm & humor don't always translate in text. Especially in subjects that are being discussed passionately.

In fact, do speak.....the absolute best thing that has come out of this whole exersize is the fact that up until now, Canadian politics has been boring. The majority of people don't care about who is running the country, and haven't gone out and voted in the past or just voted because they know it is their right.....but really don't consider who they are supporting.

If in the next election there is even a 10% rise in the number of votes cast, then it was all worth it.

Just imagine what exercises the Social Studies classes in every high school across this AMAZING country are carrying out right now. Every opinion typed out in any forum is valid, and will possibly influence someone elses least that person cares enough to google Canadian Politics!!!

Whether you are a Conservative/NDP/Liberal/Green Party/Independant should want a say in who is representing your country. I just want a vote. If the Conservatives don't win, fine, let the majority talk. At least we will know what the Canadian public wants, instead of being told what is best for us.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby vampchick21 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 01:28:10 PM


It was a Simpsonism. A quote from the character played by that Simon guy from American Idol as he took Lisa's rhetorical query about Maggie being smarter than her literally and sarcastically explained how Maggie's presumed IQ was higher than Lisa's.

An attempt at humour that apparently missed its mark.

Otherwise, fine. I'll just stop talking now in this discussion, since apparently what I say isn't worth a hill of beans.
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby drunkbeerguy » Sun Dec 07, 2008 01:15:07 PM

"do I see how that works?"

I did the bloody math for you didn't I?

I think someone needs some happy pills, and a deep breath......

I also didn't refute the fact that everything the coalition has done is in fact legal, but you felt the need to type out your little speech again about how you stated several times blah blah blah...... I think if I typed the Oiler beating the Sharks last night was sweet, I would get a response from you that it isn't illegal what the coalition is doing, lol.

Just because their is an agreement in place, I doubt the libs & ndp would do anything to piss off the Bloq, as I doubt their is a monetary penalty for breaking the agreement. However, I have no prove.

And your tidbits on the Bloq and Steven Harper being in bed together in 2004 isn't explained actuality, Steven Harper has been called a quasi-seperatist himself (former Reform party & Canadian Alliance MP). Before he took the reigns of the Conservative party (PC party and Reform party merged), he was abdicating the western provinces have more control of their own resources, with the National government having less control. Quebec seperatist unlike Harper, were wanting to seperate from Canada completely, but the next best thing was having more control over their own province within Canada....that is when Harper stated that the Canadian Alliance could be Quebecs "Federalist option", but opposed Quebecs "special Status". It is true that the Conservatives and the Bloq were BOTH set to vote down the last Liberal government in 2004, and would have if Stronach didn't cross the floor. However, they didn't have an 18 month, a 12 month, or even a 5 minute support agreement between, your arguement doesn't hold water.........BUT what the coalition is doing is legal!!!
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RE: Stephen Harper vs Stephane Dion????

Postby vampchick21 » Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:56:51 PM

Yes, they know what will happened based on all the factors I presented in my earlier post.

And given that the necessary information about how our system works and funtions is taught in our schools (elementary and secondary) AND is readily avaliable on Teh Interwebs with a simple Google Search, is no excuse for anyone to not properly educate themselves on the subject.

I'm a clear thinking Canadian, properly educated on the Parliamentary system, and I will not use this crisis as a basis for my next vote. My sitting MP is a Liberal, I voted for him because I though he was doing a good job at representing our riding. Provided that he has continued to do a good job at that, and provided that other candidates do not succeed at convincing me that they can do an equal or better job as my MP, I will vote for him again.

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