by drunkbeerguy » Sun Dec 07, 2008 01:15:07 PM
"do I see how that works?"
I did the bloody math for you didn't I?
I think someone needs some happy pills, and a deep breath......
I also didn't refute the fact that everything the coalition has done is in fact legal, but you felt the need to type out your little speech again about how you stated several times blah blah blah...... I think if I typed the Oiler beating the Sharks last night was sweet, I would get a response from you that it isn't illegal what the coalition is doing, lol.
Just because their is an agreement in place, I doubt the libs & ndp would do anything to piss off the Bloq, as I doubt their is a monetary penalty for breaking the agreement. However, I have no prove.
And your tidbits on the Bloq and Steven Harper being in bed together in 2004 isn't explained actuality, Steven Harper has been called a quasi-seperatist himself (former Reform party & Canadian Alliance MP). Before he took the reigns of the Conservative party (PC party and Reform party merged), he was abdicating the western provinces have more control of their own resources, with the National government having less control. Quebec seperatist unlike Harper, were wanting to seperate from Canada completely, but the next best thing was having more control over their own province within Canada....that is when Harper stated that the Canadian Alliance could be Quebecs "Federalist option", but opposed Quebecs "special Status". It is true that the Conservatives and the Bloq were BOTH set to vote down the last Liberal government in 2004, and would have if Stronach didn't cross the floor. However, they didn't have an 18 month, a 12 month, or even a 5 minute support agreement between, your arguement doesn't hold water.........BUT what the coalition is doing is legal!!!