by FociPhil » Mon Feb 04, 2008 07:29:23 PM
I can provide a little insight into the rogers thing. I used to work for them.
Were you on a contract with Rogers? becuase if you are, then regarless of your usage of your phone, they can bill you each month. If you signed, for example a 3 year contract, and dont use it after a year, they can still bill you for 2 years after, becuase you agreed to it.
As a collector, I would never refuse payment. If I told someone "this is way overdue, it has to be paid now" and they said, "ill give you 10 bucks a week", I would say yes, as long as they stick to it. Maybe I was more understanding them some collectors. But nobody should refuse any payment.
I would call Rogers, or the collector and work out a payment plan. They will probly treat you like garbage and say no, but ask them where you can send payments to, and track it, becuase some money, is better than no money.
Hope that helps