I am not sure what you intend to accomplish Mac.
Clearly you have adequate documentation; Manager's name, agency name, fake liscence#, all of it. What you have is evidence of fraud. All documentation will support this.
If they are harassing you for money and you have actually entered into a contract with them. i.e given them some; you can write them, let them know that you have evidence of their fraud, what exactly you have and that said fraud voids all contract.
You can just stop asking and start telling them what YOUR intentions are.
And yes, they can forward your account to another agent. No other agent , nor anyone at all has a lawful right to enter into a contract that has your name unless you consent. That doesnt stop them from faking it unless you decide to call the shots.
Like I said in another thread; you dont need to know what their rights are. Just what yours are. You are the only person you are responsible for. You have a right to accept or reject contracts with third part collection agencies.
You as a free human being have unlimited right to contract and to refuse contract. Without that you have no freedom.