by DebtKills » Thu Mar 24, 2011 11:03:01 AM
Recently I have been trying to clean up my debts that I accrued over several years of being a student. After going to the bank to apply for a credit card I was given a list of items which would need to be cleared up before I would be eligible.
One of these debts was a trade line from Wells Fargo in the amount of 660 $. After some research I found out the debt was in collections with Aktiv Kapital. However, there was no entry from Aktiv Kapital under the collections line of my credit report.
This is where my problem began. I called Aktiv Kapital and told them I would be paying the full amount owing and all I asked was that they did not add anything to the collections line as the debt would be falling off of my report within the year anyways.
Instead of just accepting the money from me, they double posted under my collections line.
After checking my report today this is the only thing mentioned under my collections line:
Collection Accounts
A collection account under public records will automatically purge from the system six (6) years from the date of last activity.
Date Assigned: 2007-01 Account Number: ********
Collection Agency: AKTIV KAPITAL Reason:
Amount: $660.00 BalanceAmount: $1,033.00
Date of Last Payment: 2006-06 Date Paid:
Date Verified:
Date Assigned: 2007-01 Account Number: ********
Collection Agency: AKTIV KAPITAL Reason:
Amount: $660.00 BalanceAmount: $1,033.00
Date of Last Payment: 2006-06 Date Paid:
Date Verified:
What should I do?
Dispute with Equifax, thereby making my date of last activity 03/2011 (when i made payment)?
Wait until 06/2012 for the item to remove itself?
Call Aktiv Kapital and try to appeal to their common sense/morality?
Let the item sit on my credit report and see if the bank will accept a release letter from Aktiv Kapital/Receipt from Bank stating the amount was paid in full?
My Credit Score is @ 556 as of today....