yes...make sure you state also at the beginning of your call the date, time and the name (hopefully the last, too, if they'll tell you) of who you're talking helps when a complaint needs to be made...also be sure you TELL them they are being cannot be used against them if they don't know they're being recorded.
I found out many things about collection agencies in my time:
They cannot refuse to take payments on student loans (don't know about 407, though!). They cannot sue you...only the original creditor can. They cannot tell your children, spouse, parents, maid, butler, roommate ANY confidential information, it is a violation of the Freedom of Privacy act. They are supposed to give you something in writing before collecting money...AND they have to produce original proof of any documents supporting the debt (like signed contracts, loan papers, cardholder agreements,etc.). Nine times out of ten, they don't have this info and end up passing your file to another crappy agency who tries again, and is unsuccessful because YOU are educated in your rights.
These people are ruthless !!!!!! You must also be the same.....