Collection Agencies - Need Help with Global - Canada

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RE: Need Help with Global

Postby Paperchaser » Wed Jul 28, 2010 01:14:51 PM

Nope they can't garnishee your wages without a court order. Whoever it is is blowing smoke up yer behind. By communicating with them you are extending the Statute of Limitations in Ontario.. after 2 years they can't do diddly.

From here on in, don't talk to them period. Your original debt has been written off already. Global likely bought it for 10 cents on the dollar.. and they can't legally commence legal action without the consent of the original creditor and considering the cost of a lawyer I highly doubt Global is going to launch legal action when it costs $2000 or more for a lawyer and their debt purchase is $600.. the judge would laugh em out of court.
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RE: Need Help with Global

Postby RichardC » Tue Jul 27, 2010 02:37:43 PM

You can rely on this section of the Ontario collection act to stop the calls:

22. (1) If a debtor sends a collection agency or collector, by registered mail, a letter stating that the debtor disputes the debt and suggests that the matter be taken to court, the collection agency or collector shall not thereafter contact or attempt to contact the debtor, unless the debtor consents to or requests the contact. O. Reg. 103/06, s. 2.

Full act here:

FYI they can only contact you at work to speak to you or to verify your employment - they cannot talk to payroll or disclose the fact you have a debt, its a scare tactic.

If you want you can file a complaint against them here:

But as many have seen it is usually a waste of time

At the end of the day collectors can be tough, and they escalate their behavior near month end to ensure they make as much commission as possible. Most of them are just telephone tough guys near the end of the month.

You will find these articles useful:
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RE: Need Help with Global

Postby Stefanknee » Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:38:15 AM

Ive been talking to a Warren Burton & Jenn Doyle
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RE: Need Help with Global

Postby lostinvancouver » Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:35:06 AM

I'm pretty sure they are not allowed to call you at work (They may be allowed once to confirm that you work there but after that, they're not allowed). Tell them that you know your rights and they cannot call you at work. Also, try to settle with them for half the price of the outstanding bill, but MAKE SURE you get this settlement agreement in writing or they will try to screw you over like they did to me. DO NOT give them your bank information...what is the "name" of the person who is collecting from you??
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Need Help with Global

Postby Stefanknee » Tue Jul 27, 2010 11:11:31 AM

I have an outstanding debt for an old credit card. I have gone to the bank to get a lone and the bank said I would have money by last Friday. Turns out they made a clerical error and didnt advise me that it actually takes 10 days to process once accepted. I called Global to explain the situation and they told me if I didnt pay by Friday at 5 they would pursue legal action. Saturday came and someone else called saying they would give me the weekend to ask my parents for Money. They called today and I advised them even with parental help I would have money for at least 2 weeks. I said if they needed to pursue legal actions then go ahead and I will pay when I get the money. He said fine then direct me to your payroll department. First of all can he even do that? They called me a liar and then gave me until this evening to come up with 1000 ( I owe 6500 before Globals interest). Now I have to call backand tell them I cant get the 1000. What will they do to me now? They are calling me at work!!
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