Collection Agencies - if a collection company says pay in a week or else - Canada

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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Mon Aug 05, 2013 03:11:50 PM

wow that is what I have to look forward to having the cops show up and arrests me what aholes I am putting together all my paper work and all my info so if they try and take me to court I will be ready cause no way I am not paying this bill and the guys calling are getting really rude and nasty did the cops ever show up do u know
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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:42:14 PM

many thanks will try and keep up on this I don't want a garnishment order done to me
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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby TJ.brooks » Mon Aug 05, 2013 07:28:31 AM

Normally ...yes you would be served a Statement of claim....then file a defense within 20 days.
Having said that, it is not unheard of that agencies do not serve you but claim they did in order to have the court case come not show and they win by default.

If you become aware of this file a motion to have judgment set aside so you can offer up defense.
This will in most cases be done providing it is done within a reasonable amount of time from judgment date.
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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Mon Aug 05, 2013 02:43:09 AM

Thanks one last question cause we don't want 100 question The question is does any company who threatens you with taking you to court They have to file paper work right of which I get a copy to file a defense correct I just don't get my pay cheque on pay day and find some one took off 200 do I And I re dialed the number that came up on my caller ID and it is from quebec and the address for paying this bill is 700 7030 woodbine ave Markham Ontario So I am guessing the phone call people are at the head office in Montreal but the payments go to a different office Also how late on Sat and sun can these people call I got calls sat and sun night around 8 30 9 00
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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Mon Aug 05, 2013 02:43:04 AM

Thanks one last question cause we don't want 100 question The question is does any company who threatens you with taking you to court They have to file paper work right of which I get a copy to file a defense correct I just don't get my pay cheque on pay day and find some one took off 200 do I And I re dialed the number that came up on my caller ID and it is from quebec and the address for paying this bill is 700 7030 woodbine ave Markham Ontario So I am guessing the phone call people are at the head office in Montreal but the payments go to a different office Also how late on Sat and sun can these people call I got calls sat and sun night around 8 30 9 00
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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Sun Aug 04, 2013 02:07:24 PM

thanks very much I went to the court house in my area and no judgement has been issued as of yet So I will ask in a week again And no one at my employment has been issued any thing But if they did come after me I would get some legal paper to allow me to file a case to argue the debt right
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RE: if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Sun Aug 04, 2013 02:20:06 AM

someone have an answer please
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if a collection company says pay in a week or else

Postby janis_fransices » Sat Aug 03, 2013 03:51:36 PM

does that mean they can come after me or does that mean the paper work will show up This one guy says he will see me in court with a garnishment action he says he has this in the bag And also this collection company is in quebec and I live in Ontario so does that mean he can file in quebec
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