I gotcha, Richard. I do appreciate you answering, and I'm afraid that I've become somewhat bored of some of the C/A signature comments such as "if you don't want to have c/a's harassing you, then pay your bills", and am a little touchy on the subject.
Don't get me wrong, though. Yes, one should pay their bills, but no, not paying them is never an invite to having a collector illegally harass you. Human psychology is such that, collectors alienate debtors when they engage in these tactics. Even though the best thing for the debtor in many cases is to try to settle, many will dig their heels in the dirt and refuse to negotiate because of their distrust of collectors who are behaving in such a manner.
By the way, and this is totally o/t, but did you have to enroll in the National Insolvency Qualification Program for what you do regarding credit counselling and proposals? I am a paralegal (will be licensed later this year) and I'm actually finding myself very interested in this area, and am beginning to think this is something I might want to further explore professionally.