by Marquisse » Thu Feb 18, 2010 12:31:22 PM
Ignore it or demand they stop contacting you by phone via a registered letter. They can't do anything to you given that this is Stats Barred unless you admit to the debt. You admit to the debt by either a) pay up or agree to pay the debt ; or b) you acknowledge in writing that this debt is yours and owed by you, either directly or through co-sign. If you do any of the above, the Statute of Limitations is restarted regardless of when the original Stat period began. So, IMO, ignore them. If they try to take you to court, your defense (and you DO have to file because they'd hope that you'd ignore it and they'd get a default judgment) would be that the debt is Stat Barred. It will be thrown out because its Stats Barred.
So, ignore them, or send them a registered letter demanding they cease and desist from contacting you - that this debt is not yours, and if you continue to receive calls, you will take appropriate legal action. We've got some amazing people on here you could advise you of your legal rights when you are being harassed by a C/A for a Stats Barred debt.