by PeTrick » Thu Dec 20, 2007 04:19:38 AM
What would I do if I had $5,000 to invest, and I was a complete novice when I came to the stock market?
To succeed at anything education is required. We live in an expert driven society. We just want to concentrate on our own expertise and delegate everything else to other experts. However, I strongly believe there are three areas in our life in which we must become our own expert, or else we will suffer immeasurably.
So where do we have to go beyond “readin’, ritin’ and rythma-tick”? The first and perhaps most obvious area is family - - both our spiritual family and our physical family. Our family is where we can gain our greatest satisfaction and happiness. If we can learn giving, sharing and responsibility summed up in the word carrying, we do well, very well.
The second area that is crucial is our health. It must becoming clear that simply depending upon doctors and big Pharma is the road to slow suicide. We need to listen to our body and optimize how we feel. This means wholesome food, adequate exercise and sunshine, as well as above all else, personal peace. We need to educate our selves to fall into harmony with nature.
The third area we can never delegate is the management of our money. The worst thing we can do is to gullibly and blindly find a financial “expert” to take care of it. Our entire financial industry is designed to fleece the unsuspecting public. The structure rewards its advisers in a way that is contrary to our best interests. It's called bonuses and commissions.
To begin educating ourselves in investments, is far better to read books and attend seminars where we are the ones who are taught the nuts and bolts of the stock market, the real estate market, and either home-based business or personal entrepreneurship.
My personal expertise is in the stock market. I read many books on the psychology of investing, analysis of stock market charts, the biographies of those investors who personally made it big in the market, and on trading systems. Where I ended up is using the best online broker I know of,, and the best training system I could search out,
But don't follow blindly my thoughts and recommendations - - that would start you on the road to disaster. Go educate yourself. Become your own best expert in the crucial areas of your life. That is where you'll find peace and prosperity.