by ResponsibleWithMoney » Tue Aug 14, 2007 10:53:56 AM
Thaiboxer I'll humour you since you're very angry at my life attitude and I'd like to help you to understand it a bit better. I don't care if you do or not actually because you seem a little trashy to me and I usually don't associate myself to trash, but I will this time.
Actually I drove up to a cafe the other day with my wife, and a guy was walking around the parking lot talking to people. He came up to me and asked for some spare change to take the bus. He said he was very embarrassed asking for change but really needed to take the bus.
Without asking him any questions, I gave him a $5 bill. He said "thank you, there is a god" and that was that. I don't care if he took the bus or whatever.
I do the same here in Toronto from time to time, I'll give a street kid a few bucks, or food.
Thaiboxer, Monty wanted to know a bit about myself so I told him my background and beliefs. I wouldn't share that unless asked.
My brother is homeless and I always told him to get a job as my family did, and when I see him I always ask him if he's working. Of course it's one of the first things that cross my mind when I see bums, but I never say to them to get a job because if they're as angry as you they'd probably get aggressive and stab me, so I usually move on and ignore them if I'm not in a generous mood - since you seemed curious to know what I do, there you go Thaiboxer.
I'm not here to profess my good savings practices and financial acumen. But you chose to attack me and moderator-Monty still continues his politically correct e-blathering and sugar coating because of who I am.
Look, I'm a straight shooter that's all - DEAL WITH IT. You guys are a bunch of ignorant jokes for the attacks in the various ways that you've chosen. These morons on these particular forums need to face reality and be responsible. Blathering soft coos of constructive criticism and encouragement won't change a lazy irresponsible person.
And Thaiboxer, you're an angry and violent person - angry violent people should be locked up in jail.