by ABarksdale » Fri Oct 15, 2010 12:02:24 PM
Hello all, new to the forum. I recently made a settlement with a CIBC Visa for 70% of the remaining balance ($800). It has not been sent to collections and is still with CIBC. I did some reading around the forum and have found that that percentage is quite high. If there is a way to re-negotiate I would be interested in pursuing, but nonetheless am happier to be closer to paying it off and moving on. I was wanting to know some advice as to what steps I can take to improving this status on my credit report after completing the settlement?
I also have an older student loan that I am currently making minimum payments on, as well as using tax returns to complete the payment (now at around $4000) and another amount with ICBC I am making minimum payments with (now at around $2200), which hopefully, once I finish clearing some payments, I can pay this one off next. Thanks!