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What is Strike Pay?

Strike pay refers to the payments made by trade unions to labourers, who are on strike, as assistance for their basic needs. This is derived from a reserve strike fund. Union workers maintain that the strike pay increases their leverage at the bargaining table and actually decreases the probability of a strike. This is due to the fact that employers are made aware that their employees have this financial resource they opt to go on a work stoppage.

This article talks about Labour Laws in Canada, Federal Labour Standards for the 21st Century and Employment and Labour Laws.

What are Labour Laws in Canada?

Labour laws, administrative rulings, and precedents address the legal rights of workers as well as restrictions on working people and their organizations. In Canada, employment laws related to unionized workplaces are differentiated from those relating to particular individuals. There are two broad categories of labour laws: Collective labour law relates to the tripartite relationship between employee, employer and union. Individual labour law concern employees' rights at work and through the contract for work. Labour Laws define the rights and obligations of workers, union members and employers in the workplace. The specific areas covered include:
• Industrial relations - certification of unions, labour-management relations, collective bargaining and unfair labour practices
• Workplace health and safety
• Employment standards, including general holidays, annual vacations, working hours, unjust dismissals, minimum wage, layoff procedures and severance pay
If you are a federally regulated employer or if you work for a federally regulated employer such as a bank, telecommunications company or interprovincial transportation company, the Canada Labour Code is the labour law that applies to you.

What are the Federal Labour Standards for the 21st Century?

Government officials, business leaders and unions have a long history of collaboration in negotiating fair and equitable employment standards for workers in western societies. These standards protect the rights of these workers, foster positive workplace environments and proactive relationships between managers and employees and benefit any business.
While the Labour Program focuses on regulating workplaces in the federal jurisdiction, some programs do apply to other workers.
• If you do not work in one of the areas listed, consult your provincial or territorial ministry of labour to find out more about the provincial employment standards that apply to you in your place of work.
• If you are a federally regulated employee or employer or a federal Crown Corporation, the Labour Program develops and administers the federal labour standards that define employment conditions in your place of work.
• If you are involved in federal construction contracts, we also provide information about labour conditions and wages that apply to you.
• If you are a federal government employee contact the Treasury Board Secretariat of Canada.
• If you are legally entitled to work in Canada and your employer has declared bankruptcy or is subject to receivership, you may be eligible for the Wage Earner Protection Program. We also provide information on the responsibilities of trustees and receivers.

What are Employment and Labour Laws?

Employment and labour laws in Canada were formulated to regulate both the conditions of employment and the relations between employers and employees. To understand Canadian labour and employment law, it is necessary to know about the constitutional division of power between the federal government of Canada and the governments of Canada's 10 provinces and three territories. While labour and employment matters are principally within provincial and territorial jurisdiction, the federal government does have jurisdiction over certain industries that are viewed as having a national, international or inter-provincial character, such as banks, air transport, pipelines, telephone systems, television and inter-provincial trucking. All other employers are provincially regulated for the purpose of labour and employment matters. As a result, the vast majority of employers in Canada are required to comply with the employment standards, labour relations and other employment-related legislation of each of the provinces where it has operations.
Regardless of whether a business is provincially or federally regulated, or where in Canada it carries on business, Canadian employers should be familiar with the following types of employment-related legislation:
• Employment Standards Legislation
• Human Rights Legislation
• Federal and Provincial Privacy Legislation
• Occupational Health and Safety Legislation
• Workers' Compensation Legislation, and
• Labour Relations Legislation

Rights of Workers

Both workers and their employers have their own rights and obligations. It is necessary for them to fight for their own interests. However, it is important for them to adhere to legal standards and existing employment and labour laws.


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