To a collection agency, all food is serious business. But they especially like "lame game" the best. Accident and unemployed disability victims.
I'm not too sure what's going on, but at least 2 questions seem to be begging.
Why does "Kilgore" (an "Apocalyse Now" fan?) bear no resemblence [in the way he talks or conducts himself] to any real lawyer? In fact, I refer to the movie because of this strange article by Kilgore on Tuesday, Feb. 12.
....You know what I find funny, is that your employers don’t tell you about these stories, guess they would be out of business. Do you know why I do this, I’ll tell you why. I used to work for an investment company, i.e.: collection company. Made a lot of money doing what I did, bringing bad people to court seizing there property, wages you name it I did it. Made a ton of money. Last year, in January I got a present, a box from one of my bad debt beats, it was their hand. He told me all he had was his hand and if I wanted it I could have it, so he mailed it to me. I took time off and then I quite, moved from Cali to NJ. The rest is history as they say....."
I really have to wonder if this guy is a certified mental case - er, no offense Kilgore, ol' buddy.
Gillian was asking what motivation a guy like "Jaimedude00" would have for continuing on in the forum. Is it possible that he's just a "plant" since the Forum is starting to cost collection agencies money? After all, we've had vice presidents like Wayne Macleod of Total Credit Recovery on this forum using pseudonyms.
'Take a hike!"