Thanks for you help Daniel, I appreicate the response!. I know it's wrong to ignore the debt and REALLY lucky they didn't come down on me for it. It was really a choice between paying rent and stuff or keep my credit card above water so I let it go, Turns out I couldn't keep up with my apartment either, so I had to bounce from job to job and place to place til I finally landed on my feet again. Which maybe why I was fortunate they didnt come after me.
I've had this credit hanging over my head since 2004. I know it's wrong to ignore my old debt, But when They ended up getting in touch with me, they claimed that my Visa was now $7500 due to interest and were willing to settle for $2500. I don't have that type of money and continued to ignore them. Thats when I got this phone call for Peter Kent and thought " here they come to get $7500 and gonna garnish my wage". It scared the crap outta me, cause since the bad debt I've now been able to get on my feet and stable job and had two kids now aged 5 and 3, not really making big money. Just staying above water if you know what I mean, paycheque to paycheque type living.
I Do want to clean it up as I know it's wrong to keep ignoring it, But I'm affraid if I call or pick up the phone and give them an offer, it will get rejected and opened up pandora's box for this debt all over again when I don't have the money to even settle. My goal was to put an amount away and try to sort it out.
I thank you in advance for your help and expertise on this matter as I am inexperienced with this situation. You've already helped me breath a little easier.
Do you have any thoughts or knowledge towards this as I'm looking for some guidence to clean a bad mistake I made when I was younger and make this wrong right?