You can access your Credit Report directly from the websites of both Equifax and TransUnion. In order to do that you will have to pay for them. Enter your credit card number and the expiry date and your Credit Report will be printed off immediately. You can order your Credit Report separately or complete with a Credit Score.
If you want a FREE Consumer Disclosure Report, these must be ordered by telephone. They will be mailed to you and you should receive them within 3 to 7 days. If you need a Credit Report IMMEDIATELY, then download it off the website. If you can wait 7 to 10 days, then call either Equifax or TransUnion and order your FREE Consumer Disclosure Report. Here are the details:
Consumer Disclosure Report................................FREE
Credit Report..........................................................$15.50
Credit Score............................................................ 11.95
Credit Report & Credit Score................................ 23.95
Consumer Disclosure Report.................................FREE
Credit Report...........................................................$14.95
Credit Score............................................................. 7.95
Credit Report & Credit Score.................................. 22.90
Educating one Consumer at a time