by jannyjanny » Fri Jan 20, 2012 09:44:28 AM
Got a letter from a collection agency that has this debt all the letter has on it is a total and a bunch of interest that they have added for 4 years The credit bureau is looking into this matter for me as I called them and they are doing a disputed credit report Anyway I am having torubles getting a payment history on this account so I can match it up with like 10 pages I got from my bank No one will tell me when the payments stopped being made and why no one contacted me I also have a letter from consumer proposal and they are claming all the terms were met there is nothing out standing from them so now How do I find out if I really owe any thing or not if no one will give me an actual paymnet histroy The original company claims they have nothing on me re this account it is all in the collection agencies hand The person there is not being helpful and I dont have 3000 they claim I owe