Canadian Credit Repair - Info needed - Canada

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RE: Info needed

Postby imports » Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:16:13 AM

Just ride it out man, like the other guy said it will drop after six years no other debt settlement can help you. only time.
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RE: Info needed

Postby TJ.brooks » Sat Nov 26, 2011 07:23:55 AM

The original report to the credit bureau was made by your creditor not the collection agency, hence they can do nothing about it even if they now own the debt which is probably the case given the age of this debt.

Only way to remove items is if they are not true and accurate reports.
Even this is quite a proccess and takes time.
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RE: Info needed

Postby daypass » Sat Nov 26, 2011 06:56:04 AM

Really eh? no wonder people don't pay collections
Might as well ride it out for another 2 years and not pay
Seems like the wrong thing to do since i always pay my debts
But me paying it seems like a waste of money if it is still reported on file just as paid and not deleted.
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RE: Info needed

Postby TJ.brooks » Sat Nov 26, 2011 06:50:38 AM

It can not be they can do is add a note to the existing report indicating it is now paid in full. It remains for 6 years unless it is a wrong report and can be proven to be incorrect.
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RE: Info needed

Postby daypass » Sat Nov 26, 2011 06:31:24 AM

Collections for capital one offered me 50% if I pay in full

By a certain date. I was told I should pay it in return for a
Pay for delete terms. Meaning if I pay they wipe it off my credit
Report. Can this be done? It's an old debt and this is hurting my score
I will gladly pay it in return for getting it completely off my report
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RE: Info needed

Postby footloose » Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:38:39 AM

Any payment made on a collection account that is shown on a Credit Report will NOT increase your Credit Score and will NOT start a new "date of last activity".

All collection accounts shown on a Credit Report will purge 6 years from the original "date of last activity" as first reported by the original creditor.

Only time will increase your Credit Score, providing you make your payments ON TIME, EVERY TIME. Also, try to keep your debt to credit limit at 30% or less on each credit card.

There are 5 factors that make up a Credit Score but the most important of these is TIMELY payments every time. Just one missed payment can drop your Credit Score by as much as 20 - 30 points. And one late payment, providing that it is made by at least the statement date of the next billing period, will not be reported to the credit bureaus. But don't make a habit of this, otherwise, it will be reported.

Educating one Consumer at a time
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RE: Info needed

Postby daypass » Wed Nov 23, 2011 06:54:42 PM

I would gladly pay the collections on capital one but why if they will not remove from the system. I was told to wait 2 more years and it will be written off and removed and won't cost me a dime
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Info needed

Postby daypass » Wed Nov 23, 2011 06:52:53 PM

I have a FICO score of 610

I have a car loan in good standings for almost 2 years
a capital one secured card (2) years $500 limit balance kept at 50% bad I know but was told that :( now i know different

applied for a TD secured visa last week, my finace is lettling me piggy back her RBC visa she has had for 10-12 years in excellent standings

I have a capital one in collections from 5 years ago
Can my credit score be boosted at all with all the above
Whatelse can I do to boost my score

Thanks in advance
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