Collection Agencies - Is Global Credible?? - Canada

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RE: Is Global Credible??

Postby foughtback » Sun Nov 13, 2011 08:15:48 PM

Global is unethical, relentless and abusive.. trust me.. they swap callers, use different numbers.. even send your file to different provincial offices they have set up. They are relentless to the uninformed and will drive you crazy.. I know.. they did it to me.. They call sometimes three times a day, weeks on end.. and even when you propose a payment schedule they push.. and if you get nasty with them.. watch out..

They even got in trouble for using a lawyer that was brought under disciplinary action by the Bar in Ontario..

Then I found out how to stopped them dead in their tracks.. without so much as a phone call.. guaranteed.
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RE: Is Global Credible??

Postby JamesBalfour » Sun Nov 06, 2011 09:55:29 PM

Just one of those readers who is waiting for your upcoming update about penny stocks.. keep up the good work.
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RE: Is Global Credible??

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Mon Oct 17, 2011 12:16:42 AM

"Not Found, Error 404"

That's what I see when I hit

Won't go further for now, that's the basics....

Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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RE: Is Global Credible??

Postby nikkibuck86 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 04:56:30 PM

I called the guy back and he said they would send me a settlement offer letter before I send them the money, and also a letter after I pay saying that the debt is cleared. So when I get the receipt from the bank saying that I paid, and the letter saying the debt is cleared, I hope that that will be the end of it! Thanks :) Also, for Equifax, I know I got a credit report from them before, so do I have to pay again to have them send me an updated one? Or do you know how I would go about that?
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RE: Is Global Credible??

Postby average_joe » Mon Jun 13, 2011 12:58:24 PM

I would call Global and ask them to put the settlement agreement in writing and send it to you by fax before you hand over your money. If they deny your request, then you know the offer is not real. I settled a debt with td visa through another collection agency for 10%.I would also make sure your debt is no longer showing on your credit file with Tran’s union and Equifax before you make this deal.

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Is Global Credible??

Postby nikkibuck86 » Mon Jun 13, 2011 11:08:16 AM

I got a call from Global Credit & Collections trying to resolve an old TD Visa account for $6000 they said they will settle for $500....does this sound right? The debt is about 6 years old. It seems too good to be true. Or is this what they do to try and get what they can from you and settle the account? I have never dealt with collections before so any advice would be great.

Another thing, how can I know for sure if they will not come after me again? So that's why I'm asking if they are legit, and are there any steps I can take to protect myself through this process? I need to be sure before I pay them!!
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