by SouthAmerican » Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:41:35 AM
Hi everybody
3 and a half years ago I went back to Brazil for personal reasons
at the time i had just immigrated here and I had no OHIP card also I had an accident at work (doing a private job) and had to go to a hospital...I was told at the time that all I had to do was present them my ohip card when i got it and I wouldnt be charged anything...I had to leave canada before getting the card or settling the bill
I am now back in Canada (Ontario) I am trying to lease an apartment and was wasked to do a credit report
My credit report shows a delinquent account for north york general hospital, just under 1.000,00 it just says delinquent no R anything, I'm assuming its a R9, right?
Also after reading a LOT of the postings here I am ubber confused
Should I pay this now? If so should I pay in full? Will it change to a R something else other than 9? Will I not get approved for a credit card even if I pay? Should I just wait another 3 years untill SOL kicks in? Can I try to make a deal with a hospital bill? Does SOL applyes to hospital bills?
I read somewhere that I can have a note put on my credit report do you guys think I can have it explain my lack of OHIP card at the time? Would such a note make any difference when applying for a credit card?
thank you for your time and please excuse any speling mistakes
I will finish your basement!