by DanielBl » Fri Jan 07, 2011 01:21:31 PM
In principle, no one can remove the derogatory item from your report until 6 years have passed since the account originally went into default. Subsequent payments have nothing to do with when the 6 year negative reporting period starts. Perhaps in your case, it's up already. If it's not, well, you never know what a motivated creditor might be willing to do for you on the side. I just wouldn't count on it.
Having a card with a higher limit means (hopefully, unless you run it up too) you will have a lower credit utilization ratio, and therefore a slightly higher credit score. If you run a balance, it's best to stay under 15% or 20% of the limit. Or if you do max it, pay it off by the due date.
Of course, from a creditor's point of view, in theory, the perfect client would be someome who maxes out all their cards but always makes the minimum payment. Naturally, credit scoring algorithms recognize such cases virtually never happen without risk going through the roof, and so they heavily penalize Maxed Out's" or "Mad Max's." Naturally, I misused the term "perfect client." Such people are really termed "patsies" as their jacked up interest rates largely cover the more creditworthy clients' largely free services as well.