ARO did not purchase this debt from the original creditor. They are acting only as an agent on behalf of the original creditor. It appears that this debt was previously placed with another collection agency and they were unsuccessful in collecting part or all of the debt. That is why the original creditor has replaced this debt with ARO in the hope that they may have some success in collecting on this debt.
I would suggest that you contact ARO and tell them that you are reviewing your financial situation and that you will be in contact with them later. Do not make any acknowledgment of this debt either verbally or in writing and do not discuss any financial arrangements at this time. Do not contact ARO again until after you receive your consumer disclosure report from Trans Union. I assume that you have a consumer disclosure report from Equifax. If not, get one ASAP. Once you have both reports, study them carefully. Upon thoroughly reviewing these reports, you can contact ARO and make them a 50% offer. If you have further questions before you contact ARO, feel free to post your questions on this site under the above SUBJECT or PM ( Personal Message ) me. I will be happy to assist you.