by DanielBl » Fri Nov 19, 2010 08:56:36 PM
That may SOMETIMES be true with respect to a collections item, but once it gets reported, they almost never will take it off. Granted, some do disappear but it's usually due to agency error or oversight. Once they put it in the public records/collections or hard inquiries section, the item will stay there for 6 years or more.
With respect to the first or "trade lines" section of the 2 bureau reports, the debt remains with the original creditor's internal recovery unit for 90 to 180 days before being assigned or sold off. During that period, assuming no payments are made, the account regresses from R1 to R9, or I1 to I9 for installment accounts) as the case may be. That holds no matter what.
No creditor will reverse that status on bureau reports for the 6 year period, whether you pay the collection agency or not.