PayDay Loans - getting out of the payday loan cycle - Canada

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RE: getting out of the payday loan cycle

Postby bobby_8 » Sat Sep 15, 2012 02:47:40 PM

My brother had the same problem, all I can say is good luck because it is really hard to get out of the cycle once you are in it. Avoid payday loans whenever you can.
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RE: getting out of the payday loan cycle

Postby daboss » Wed Jun 13, 2012 03:57:18 PM

I was in the same boat as you guys, using one to pay one off and so on, it’s a brutal driving from one to the next and so on. I had 4 on the go, I would go in and speak to them and say that you are going through a major financial crisis and say I’m on the brink of filing for Bankruptcy and ask if they would settle for a easy payments, I was paying $50 every payday until it was cleared. No harm I trying you might be surprised!
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RE: getting out of the payday loan cycle

Postby FortMac » Sun Aug 21, 2011 05:57:18 AM

These payday loans are a pain in the ass.
Being in the construction industry my job is usually not steady..
There were periods of time when I would work 4 months, get laid off for two months .. that went on for years...

I used payday loans a few years ago but as soon as I got here and started working fulltime I paid them off as soon as I could.

I don't recommend payday loans to anybody... borrow money from family and friends before going to a payday loan company.. just my opinion
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RE: getting out of the payday loan cycle

Postby OCCA.CA » Thu Oct 28, 2010 08:21:54 AM

Hello Avonannie,

I read your post and I realize that you posted awhile ago, but if your still having difficulties with payday loans, my company will provide a free consultation on your situation and may be able to help you walk away from the debt completely, depending on which one(s) you borrowed from.

Give me a call at 1-866-873-6222 or email me at
Just mention you heard about OCCA on Canadian Money Advisor

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RE: getting out of the payday loan cycle

Postby drunkbeerguy » Sun Oct 03, 2010 03:54:37 PM

Take it from someone that was using three, YES THREE payday loan companies at once....using one to pay the other. The best thing I ever did was decide I am NOT walking back into a single office.

I walked away completely....only paying one. I am still paying for it, as they are on my credit report for another year and a half, but completely worth it. I did contact each about settling, but they weren't interested. I told them they can sue me, therefore they are not allowed to contact me either by phone or mail unless someone is serving me court papers. It has been stress free other than watching my credit score slowly get better and knowing that until they are paid or off my credit report I can't apply for new credit.

If you are only into one payday loan company.....I know it doesn't seem easy, but I would go in and talk to them. Tell them you are in trouble, and see what they say. I know there are all kinds of new regulations regarding payday loan companies, so they may be required or willing to let you pay half this month and the second half next month.
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getting out of the payday loan cycle

Postby avonannie » Sun Oct 03, 2010 02:28:38 PM

I make good money but due to a comsumer proposal and some health issues I never seem to get caught up, I want to get out of the payday loan cycle but just cannot seem to do it, I seem to have to go every payday, and then pay them off and then start all over to keep up with the morgage etc because I have used the money to pay them off , any ideas
gloria ramsay
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