the best way to pay down credit cards is to cut out all of the non-essential spending that you do in a month... cut back your spending to the bone... next take that money and put a portion of it on your credit cards... the rest of that money goes in the bank for saving... emergency funds...
This requires discipline... it's not exactly the most exciting thing to do to cut out restaurants, or buying that special thing each month... it's not exciting to not go on vacations, or to the mall for fun shopping
The key here is to save money and pay down debt... the more debt you pay off the better you'll feel.
The more money you have saved up the better you'll feel. The more money you have saved up, the more choices you'll feel you have...IE.. I have enough money saved up to buy this item if I want it... but I choose not to have it... we often want what we can't have... and feel deprived if we can't have it.