Collection Agencies - Contact Resource Services *Advice* - Canada

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RE: Contact Resource Services *Advice*

Postby adrueu1 » Mon May 03, 2010 06:59:00 AM

no i do not. I'm not about to pay for one either. I am troubled that i have to go through this, and it is just a hassle that i do not need. I have sent them a letter via registered mail, they received it but apparently the guy handling the account did not receive it. if they cannot get their organization in order, i should not have to suffer.

in the end, do i call them and tell them to look up the tracking number and figure it out on their end, or should i just leave it. my concern is that they will send court documents to an address where i will not receive the letter and they will win a default judgement.

when they say they will contact me employer for litigation purposes, what does that mean?
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RE: Contact Resource Services *Advice*

Postby average_joe » Mon May 03, 2010 06:46:26 AM

Do you have a lawyer friend that can send them a letter for?

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RE: Contact Resource Services *Advice*

Postby adrueu1 » Mon May 03, 2010 06:45:07 AM

It is NOT showing on my credit file, and i know that because it was recently pulled when i got approved for my mortgage. If he is claiming i am responsible for it how do i argue this. is he trying to scare me?
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RE: Contact Resource Services *Advice*

Postby average_joe » Mon May 03, 2010 06:43:10 AM

If its not your debt why are you worried about it.I would be worried about it if its showing in your credit file.
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Contact Resource Services *Advice*

Postby adrueu1 » Mon May 03, 2010 06:36:50 AM


i was contacted regarding a debt that i am not responsible for by a company who called themselves CRS. the guy never told be the amount the debt was for nor did he provide the name of the original creditor. He did say it was a debt from Alberta back in the early months of 2008. Never did give me an exact date

anyways, i got fed up with his calling so i sent a letter stating that the debt is not mine, that it will be getting disputed and to only contact me in writing. I received confirmation via registered mail that the office did receive the letter however he claim that he has not seen anything yet. basically he said that i am being help responsible for the debt because of my own stupidity and that if i do not contact him by a certain time his company attorney will be in touch with my employer for litigation purposes.

what do i do here? do i contact him by phone and tell him that the office did receive the letter and provide the tracking number as proof? OR, is he using this as a scare tactic that should be ignored? In my opinion, if i sent the letter and their office cannot organize things, how is that my problem?

any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon May 03, 2010 06:20:35 AM
Province: AB


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