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Secured Credit Cards - HomeTrust Visa - Canada

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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby HankBlank » Sun May 19, 2013 11:44:10 PM

Just like TCR.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby TJ.brooks » Sun May 19, 2013 06:25:31 PM

The debt is alive and well, the ability to sue is dead.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby HankBlank » Sun May 19, 2013 06:02:24 PM

It's stats barred! Even if you take out a full page ad in the Toronto Star and send them an acknowledgment signed in blood on the back of a picture of Deanna Natale, it will not revive the debt. Dead is dead.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby tripped_up » Sun May 19, 2013 05:31:04 PM

I had sent the company an email, without the signature added on. Does this still mark it as a legal document? I had applied for the card in 2001, went belly up in 2003.

I need confirmation of details requested in regards to this email sent to them. Did I do this correctly?
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby HankBlank » Sun May 19, 2013 04:57:18 PM

You did the right thing by keeping your negotiation to the telephone. But if it's already stats barred, nothing you can do will revive it unless it was a student loan, which of course it isn't.

To renew the limitation period on this type of debt, you would have provide signed written acknowledgment of the debt BEFORE the limitation period of 2 years expired.

So give them all the information they want.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby tripped_up » Sun May 19, 2013 04:07:05 PM

I did get a reply back from the supervisor in their collections dept. Did I trigger the time line again? They asked for some former ID information, SIN, Acct Number last card, current address and phone Number. They told me that they could not proceed further until they have that information from me.

How should I proceed on this current situation? Any valued information would be greatly appreciated at this time.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby HankBlank » Tue May 07, 2013 11:57:52 AM

Offer them 20% and go for maybe 25% or 30%, unless it's a major bank who hasn't sold them to a debt buyer.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby tripped_up » Tue May 07, 2013 11:35:04 AM

I had a bad fall with a CC from this company years ago and had tried to re-establish contact with them to work out a deal to owe back my debts to them. I had not heard back from them. I felt that this was the perfect company for me to work with.

Any suggestions would be helpful at this moment in time.
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RE: HomeTrust Visa

Postby montyloree » Thu Aug 30, 2007 09:22:43 AM

The $1000 is what they call security.. it seem ridiculous to have to put up security to get a credit card, however, if it works it works..

The main thing is to get good credit items reporting to Equifax and TransUnion so as to start rebuilding your credit score.

If you're not used to properly maintaining your credit, saving $1000 to put on your credit card helps develop some good money skills.
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HomeTrust Visa

Postby » Sun Jun 04, 2006 12:00:00 AM

I like my HomeTrust visa, even though I had to shell out $1000 for it.

It's helped me to get a better credit score. I've received my credit report which shows HomeTrust Visa as A1 credit.

There was no other way for me to put positive credit items on my credit report because I would get refused constantly.

If you have bad credit, HomeTrust Visa is the way to go.


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