by Bolgan123 » Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:02:16 AM
The item was purged from my account! :)
I have the same question about another item on my report.
I'm confused about date of last activity vs the date reported as delinquent (not sure what date is used to purge an item).
Please take a look below, and if possible, advise on what the purge date is.
Phone Number (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Account Number
Association to Account: Individual
Type of Account: Revolving
Date Opened: 2004-08
Status: Bad dept, collection account or unable to locate
Months Reviewed:
Payment History: No Payment 30 Days Late
No Payment 60 Days Late
No Payment 90 Days Late
Prior Paying History: At least 120 days past due (2008-10) Three or more payment past due (2008-09) Two payments past due (2008-08)
Comments: Written-off
Acct assigned to third party for collection
High credit/credit limit: $10,000.00
Payment amount: Not Available
Balance: $10,000.00
Past Due: Not Available
Date of Last Activity: 2008-11
Date Reported: 2008-11