by Melissa28 » Fri Apr 09, 2010 04:32:26 PM
Thank you guys! And about what RichardC said is true. We thought about your points already. But now that is not an option for us. My hubby got so frustated with the job-hunting that he decided to go and finish his university education. Because of this, he can only work part time. So even if we get some full time, steady job it would only be me working full time. With all the expenses that comes along with a condo I know my salary won't suffice. Besides, my hubby had to take a student loan (that in itself is already a debt).
It may seem dumb to take a loan and go back to university while in this situation. That was my husband's decision and I supported him 100%. We married and had a baby at a very young age (early 20s) and none of us has a career. I think that his having an education would be better for the whole family in the long run. I would also be in our child's best interest to have at least one educated parent. So, I said "I must put my child's well-being and my husband's education above owning a property". And here I am, asking on how to get our 20K back! Thanks again.