Usually, credit card websites that are reliable are those websites in which the card companies or banks own themselves. However, there are other reliable credit card websites. One of which is this site:
When talking about the waiting time for a credit card application. Waiting time is generally based on what type of credit card you are applying for.
For guaranteed approval kind of credit cards, it would take only few hours but the plastic credit card will be released 1 to 2 working days upon approval.
For rewards cards, this credit card usually takes 3 to 5 working days for the card company to give a decision if your application is either approved or not.
For platinum or gold credit cards, the average working days for the card's approval commonly takes at least 10 days.
The higher the card value as well as the the more card benefits and features it comprise of, the longer the approval time as the card company or bank will make sure that the client is trustworthy enough for the card. the card issuer is taking a larger risks on this case because of what the card is composed of.
About the information needed by the card issuer, of course you should write your complete name, home address, etc.. just honestly answer what informations the application form ask. You will also be required to give documents that state your salaries or earnings as well as your personal accounts along with your assets either fixed or not.
In addition, the company will need a credit history report certified by the credit bureau/s. This is one of the requirement that really influences the decision whether your application will be approved or not.