Collection Agencies - DATE OF LAST ACTIVITY - Canada

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Postby advicepls » Wed Apr 24, 2013 06:18:01 PM

Wow Hank, Your knowledge blows me away! The posters here are SO lucky to have you here!!! You just pop back with such valuable information! I can't thank you enough, seriously! I haven't been able to gather, in FOUR years, the information I have been able to obtain from you in TWO DAYS!!! I see what you mean about the real property and how they would add the legal costs it would make the home value even lower when valuating that asset....gotcha there. The only thing that would show on the property registry then would be my 13 year old toyota....I own it free and clear...LOL but I don't think putting a lien on that would do them much good!

Again Hank, I truly thank you for your quick responses and your truly valuable information! Im so glad i found this board!!! Ive often lurked here from time to time and have found it really informative but this is the first time I decided to ask for help myself! So glad I did!!! I lucked out!!!!

Thank you so much again!!!!!! Amanda :)
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2013 04:05:44 PM
Province: NS


Postby advicepls » Wed Apr 24, 2013 05:33:56 PM

Hank I have been wondering about that very thing! I am four years in since Date of Last Activity on my credit bureau, I have a recent bureau that I ordered a month ago and its almost exactly 4 years exactly. Ive ordered them regularly and theyhave never changed the Date of Last Activity.

I wondered, where there are a few credit card companied involved here and the stats bar is 6 years for me, why one of the companies wouldn't of jumped in to try and sue me first to at least have the best chance? However it does show right on my burea that Im on Long Term Disability so I suppose they can see that and know there isn't alot of chance at garnishee, and if they check the personal property registry, they can see I am maxed on my mortgage/equity ratio?

Anyway, sorry for the long reply, I do thank you for your reply as although it was short, it really packed alot of information in that one feel they would probably of sued by now and not of waited til the last minute. I will try and hold onto those words!!! Thanks Hank! Amanda :)
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2013 04:05:44 PM
Province: NS


Postby advicepls » Wed Apr 24, 2013 09:40:35 AM

Hi Hank, thanks for the reply you are so helpful, I really appreciate your replies! I have never been certified in any way as not being of sound mind and body. I have never been hopitalized or anything. I take medication and see a psychiatrist and nurse and I am on disability from work. I would say I am of sound mind though.
I haven't sent a bunch of letters. At the beginning ( 3-4 years ago, I would of sent a few and when I knew I wasn't suppose to do so, I used to state at the top " i do not acknowledge this debt") Most recently I didn't sign a letter I printed my first initial and last name only and in that letter i didn't talk about the debt just not to call me only to write me and that im on disability but i didn't acknowledge anything and i didn't sign my name. I have recent credit bureaus and the date of last activity is 4 years ago, which is the date of my last payments but you already covered that......anyway, I guess I just have to sit and wait and hope they dont sue me by the 6year stat bar mark in 2 years and then I guess Im still not safe after that point but maybe a little safer than I am now.

Again, Hank I thank you for taking so much time on my posts. Im just trying to see how much 'worry time" I have to spend on this. Thanks so much again. Amanda
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2013 04:05:44 PM
Province: NS


Postby advicepls » Wed Apr 24, 2013 07:00:28 AM

Oh my gosh, this means that I can never feel safe from being sued on this. In two years when the stats bar of 6 years will have been reached, I am still not safe from being sued, I can never really be safe. If in say seven years I am able to go back to work, they can come after me and sue me, basically the stats bar of 6 years really doesn't mean alot in my situation. This is really discouraging, I was hoping I would be ok after the stats bar was reached.

Thank you for your information. Amanda
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2013 04:05:44 PM
Province: NS


Postby advicepls » Tue Apr 23, 2013 04:52:43 PM

Hi, this is my first post, Ive often lurked and love reading these threads they are very informative. Im very worried. Im on Long Term Disability for a mental illness ( Bi-polar / Severe Anxiety Disorder) , have been off work for 4 years now. Five years ago I went manic and ran my credit cards up to ridiculous amounts. They went into default 4 years ago and I havent made a pmt on them since. Five separate credit card companies. At first I received several calls then letters. Unknowingly, I wrote them registered letters telling them to stop calling me and let them know I was on LTD and mentally ill, but I would of acknowledged my debt in these letters. FRIG.Within this first year the debt went to about 3-4 different collection agencies, I sent the same letters. Then the letters just stopped. I called and ordered my credit report from equifax to see my DATE OF LAST OF ACTIVITY as I was worried it would of been bounced up by a year or so becuase of my letters but it wasnt. That was good......but NOW I am worried because I just found out that where I live in Nova Scotia, they can BUMP MY DATE OF LAST ACTIVITY UP BY 20 YEARS!!!!! Im petrified of this!!!! I have 2 years left, OR SO I THOUGHT, for this to be Stats I am just so scared. I figure they can't garnishee my LTD but I don't know that? I own my house but there is zero equity in it. So Im not really judgment proof? They can put a lein on me? Can anyone help me with any advice at all? Thank you so much!! Amanda
Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2013 04:05:44 PM
Province: NS


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