by avaritia » Mon Mar 22, 2010 01:55:02 PM
My Visa went into arrears, I haven't had a job since 2008 and recently went back to school to try and get beef up my resume. I paid them 150 last month, but by then it was already too late and now they won't accept that, currently I owe like 6500, and they said they would settle for 4600 but I don't know if I can swing that much.
The only cash I have is the 2500 in my account which is student loan money I received and I told them that, I don't have a house, or a car, I live at home and have no income. They told me to ask my parents, I have but he said he didn't believe me and that this is ruining my credit and will make it so I can't get a job in the future.
I tried to see if I could pay half of the settlement now and then half again in two months but that was really just a way to try and by time because I honestly don't know where I am going to get the money. And he says that won't settle any lower, I don't want to go bankrupt and I told him that but he won't listen and he said even if I go bankrupt it will cost money.
I don't think they believe me, because when I told them the checks I had deposited were student loan checks he said he needed to check with the bank to find out what they were.