according to BMO's press release they only earned $647 million in the 4th quarter... The other banks are doing over $1billion :) That's still alot to me!,1083,contentCode-9233_divId-3_langId-1_navCode-212,00.html
Financial Results Highlights:
Fourth Quarter 2009:
Net income of $647 million, up $87 million or 16% from a year ago
* EPS1 of $1.11 and cash EPS2 of $1.13, both up $0.05 from a year ago
* Revenue increased 6.3% and expenses were reduced by 2.2% from a year ago
* Provision for credit losses of $386 million, down $79 million from a year ago. There was a $150 million increase in the general allowance last year and no change in the current quarter.