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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby Millie P » Tue Jan 12, 2010 11:00:27 AM

The reason it is bunk is because it is applying a bastardized interpretation of QM incorrectly.

If the claim was that positive thinking helps people then fine -- I don't really need that psychological feel good stuff but I understand that it helps some people. That though is not the claim. The Secret claims that by thinking about stuff you can actually change the probability of it happening.

They cloak this claim in science by incorrectly applying the uncertainty principle / indeterminacy principle. Unfortunately they don't understand what they are talking about but it doesn't matter since they know that the fraction of the population who actually understands QM is tiny and that by cloaking it in science language they will gain credibility with people who have never heard of quantum entanglement.

Millie P
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby montyloree » Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:34:21 AM

a misunderstood point...
You have to act upon what your goals and dreams... you just can' t sit there and wait for them to happen.. that would be ridiculous.

When you wanted your job, or your own business, etc somehow you had to attract that into your life... when you wanted to get married, you had to do things to attract the right person...

If you don't set the intent, you'll never get there anyways.

Today I'm building a filtering system on google alerts for another project.. that's all about attracting the people that I need to attract.. I have to sit here for hours and create, edit , and post the alerts... I can just will that to happen without some sort of action.

I'm curious to know why people the law of attraction is bunk... we all want to attract things into our life... we need to practice doing this better and better. .... IMO :) Cheers
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby Jeannie » Tue Jan 12, 2010 09:55:58 AM

i don't have an LLB and I agree with Millie.... IMO "the secret" is bunk....
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby RichardC » Thu Dec 31, 2009 07:02:22 AM

Thanks, although I vehemently disagree, your opinion is noted.

I'm not surprised by your comment, many people with LLB's echo your position.

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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby So-Tired-Of-Debt » Thu Dec 31, 2009 06:58:03 AM

The Law of Attraction is real and as basic as gravity. The only things you have to discipline are your thoughts and feelings. I believe in it, but not in a surreal magical why. There isn’t anything that we have started or completed in our lives that didn’t have its roots with a thought or feeling first. When I have been truly inspired about something in my life, I’ve never felt any effort in the doing of it

Are people out there making money selling this concept? Absolutely, and some of them have no business doing so because they don’t really understand it. However there are some who truly have a grasp of what the LOA is. The one place that has helped me understand the LOA more than any other was Abraham-Hicks. (BTW I haven’t bought anything from this site) This can appear as fringe stuff and very off the wall, but don’t let it put you off. Listen to the essence of the messages.

By the way, I don’t think of myself as an expert on the subject. However, I find the principles so basic, so profound that they have become part of my belief system. I have seen the results, both good and bad, of where I focus my attention.
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby Millie P » Thu Dec 31, 2009 04:51:09 AM

The Secret is a horribly perverted interpretation of quantum mechanics sold to suckers who want to be dreamers but feel better if their belief is clocked in faux-science. The way to be successful is though skill, effort, and making correct decisions not though imagining success and positive thinking.
Millie P
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby RichardC » Tue Dec 29, 2009 07:02:17 AM

The law of attraction is practically that powerful and basic that when you focus your thoughts on the goal you will automatically attract into your life the things and people you will need to help you achieve what it is that you desire.

You absolutely, positively have to believe in your dreams to make them happen.

I am visual so the vision board helped me out a lot. The first thing most people need is the vision board, stop procrastinating, find your images, make the board and put it up front and centre. Then you look at it every day, several times a day. Quite literally, and you will realize it when it happens, your mind will start vibrating in harmony with the very things and people you need to attract into your life to make your goals happen.

The other thing you need to do is fire the losers in your life. You know who they are, it’s the people that are negative and bring you down. Make it a new year’s goal to get rid of them and lose their phone numbers and stop returning their calls. I do this every new year.
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby montyloree » Mon Dec 28, 2009 02:14:29 PM

Hey RichardC.
The only question I've really got about the law of attraction is this:
The book and movie says that all you have to do is think about you want, then it will happen... it doesn't talk about the work you need to do, or people you need to put into place...

IE.. there seems to be no effort involved in achieving what you want. I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around that part.. I've never seen anything in life for free.. People win lotteries, which is real..
I've never seen a $10 million building materialize out of thin air, or $10 million dollars in my bank, just because I think about it, and set the law of attraction in motion...

What is your take on that?
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby RichardC » Mon Dec 28, 2009 10:30:20 AM

Awesome, glad you checked it out. The laws of attraction are amazing.

Did you start your vision board yet Monty? If you do, it will come true. Mine did.

A painted picture is another version of the law of attraction and more closely related to a vision board.

We did ours for Total Debt Freedom last month and posted it on our website here:

Works for persons and business alike.
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RE: Law of Attraction - Making Money

Postby montyloree » Mon Dec 28, 2009 08:36:38 AM

Hey Matt,
Have you read the book?

What a great concept.... learning how to attract things...
I guess one of the hard parts is figuring out what you really want to attract...

That's a good discovery process..

I need to attract enough money to make me retireable in a permanent way.
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