Collection Agencies - being harassed daily at home by collectors - Canada

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RE: being harassed daily at home by collectors

Postby average_joe » Thu Dec 10, 2009 08:49:32 PM

The swami was stumped lol.
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RE: being harassed daily at home by collectors

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Thu Dec 10, 2009 07:20:08 PM

Thanks Rich,

I guess I didn't have this latest admendment on file.

Curious though... If one queries R.R.O 1990, Reg 74 from the link below, in it they'll find the sections you've listed.

This is most likely where I was pulling my data from when I drafted that letter. So even though the same data is listed in there (now anyway), you're saying that I should be drilling down even further.

Damn, and I thought Microsoft made their language and technology ambigious. Regardless, I'll update that template letter if need be, just want to make sure I fully understand why exactly it needs to be done. Exception to the FAX compnent, I see why that needs to be dropped.
Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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RE: being harassed daily at home by collectors

Postby RichardC » Thu Dec 10, 2009 06:04:32 PM

For a letter to be effective it needs to rely on these sections:

22. (1) If a debtor sends a collection agency or collector, by registered mail, a letter stating that the debtor disputes the debt and suggests that the matter be taken to court, the collection agency or collector shall not thereafter contact or attempt to contact the debtor, unless the debtor consents to or requests the contact. O. Reg. 103/06, s. 2.

(2) If a debtor or his or her lawyer sends a collection agency or collector, by registered mail, a letter requesting that the collection agency or collector communicate only with the debtor’s lawyer and setting out the lawyer’s address and telephone number, the collection agency or collector shall not thereafter contact or attempt to contact the debtor other than through the debtor’s lawyer, unless the debtor consents to or requests the contact. O. Reg. 103/06, s. 2.
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RE: being harassed daily at home by collectors

Postby RichardC » Thu Dec 10, 2009 05:48:50 PM

OC, that letter wont work in Ontario on a C/A.

Ann, what is the collector telling you when you outline that you included the debt in bankruptcy 10 yrs ago? Did you set out some details to them as proof of the bankruptcy?

The collectors wont stop calling until you do.
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RE: being harassed daily at home by collectors

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Thu Dec 10, 2009 04:38:47 PM

Tailor the following document to fit your specific situation and then send it to RBC via registered mail.
Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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being harassed daily at home by collectors

Postby Annula13 » Thu Dec 10, 2009 04:34:30 PM

I posted here before as an old debt came form RBC over ten years old and already went into bankruptcy then
Now they won't stop harassing me at home
they call every day two places, ones a taped recording
I asked them to STOP calling and bothering me
but they don;t what can I do Legally
please advise
it is a real invasion and I work from home and don;t have any spare cash to pay them anyways
Anna from Ontario canda
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