Collection Agencies - MJR Collections / corporate AMEX card - Canada

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RE: MJR Collections / corporate AMEX card

Postby Bill K. Lecter » Mon Nov 30, 2009 01:15:16 PM

Ask for a settlement and then cash advance off the personal credit card to pay it.
Bill K. Lecter
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RE: MJR Collections / corporate AMEX card

Postby average_joe » Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:34:28 PM

I understand you’re responsible, but did you and the company fill out the application together and sign it together.

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RE: MJR Collections / corporate AMEX card

Postby jericho123 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:41:44 AM

No, I spent the money- its my responsibility. Besides, the terms and conditions make it clear that I'm responsible for all charges to the card. It's a company card, but with my name and the companies name.
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RE: MJR Collections / corporate AMEX card

Postby average_joe » Sat Nov 28, 2009 09:33:32 AM

If the company told you to use the company card, then it’s their resposiblitiy.If the company took out the card under their name; why are they coming after you?

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MJR Collections / corporate AMEX card

Postby jericho123 » Sat Nov 28, 2009 08:24:38 AM

I defaulted on a debt with AMEX for a corporate credit card earlier this year. The company told me I could use for personal expenses, which I did, but we then ran in to money problems, and the balance of around $3500 is outstanding.

I wrote to AMEX in July asking if they could transfer the balance to a personal credit card and I would gradually pay off the balance. They didnt reply, but sent me a letter saying they'd passed it to a debt collection agency.
A couple of weeks later, I received a very, aggressive phone call from said agency, and I ultimately offered to pay $100 a month until I could pay it off. He said "we'll see you in court". I never heard anything more about it.

I received a letter yesterday from a new debt collection company- MJR, asking for payment of the full balance in 5 days. It was dated 20 November, but I didnt receive it until 27th.
I didnt receive notice from AMEX that the debt had been assigned, and I really dont what I'm supposed to do. I dont have $3500. If I did, I'd have payed it off.

We're relatively new to Canada, and I've been worried about how this could affect my credit score. I got a report from Equifax last week and this debt isnt registered on there (presumably because it's a company card?).

Other than perhaps repeating my offer to pay $100 a month, what are my options?

Many thanks
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