My daughter's employer's computer records were broken into. She's in the Third World for several months, and has spotty email service. She got the email and since phone service is difficult to impossible, asked me to get Equifax and Trans Union to put an alert on her file, as recommended by the employer.
Equifax, no problem. It was done by inputting data into a series of phone menus. Trans Union, completely different story. First half an hour on hold (I've since found out that this was pretty good for them), then a "live" agent who refused to talk to me--even though my daughter had emailed me all the info I needed for verification. It had to be my daughter on the line. Note that I wasn't trying to get into her file, just get an alert put on. In view of the crime committed at her employer's offices, I expected a little more interest. Nope. I asked for a supervisor, same response, quite arrogantly. She could also write them. The fact that this might take a couple of weeks during which time anything could happen with the stolen records was of no concern to them.
Maybe the experience is different for clients, i. e. companies that need credit info. But this one experience--dealing with their lack of adequate phone response, and the attitude and lack of training of their personnel--tells me all I need to know about this company. I would not trust anything they get their hands on.