Collection Agencies - I've been served. - Canada

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RE: I've been served.

Postby nameuser » Wed Sep 16, 2009 10:12:38 PM


Dont pay them anything and dont talk to them at all. There is no reason to.

The agency dealt their cards and it turns out they're going to lose this game. Don't buy any of the crap they try to feed you. And again, good luck!

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RE: I've been served.

Postby daisy2005 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 04:53:02 PM

Could you post as to what happened to you at court if you got there,going to be in the same situation. Thanks
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RE: I've been served.

Postby Smither » Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:53:55 AM

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RE: I've been served.

Postby reggie2828 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 09:49:27 PM

mikey, then get someone's help

I have a debt settler doing this for me, I mean how can u settle debts if u dont acknowledge it. Its a pretty grey area, she acts as my power of attorney and settled for me

I already settled 3 which were 2 years past SOL but were still on my credit report
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RE: I've been served.

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Tue Sep 15, 2009 07:42:10 PM

"My concern like I mentioned before is, if i begin speaking to them about the debt, am I essentially admitted to the debt and thus voiding the S.O.L and putting me in a much worse situation."

Best bet would be to take Richard's advice and speak with a Lawyer or Paralegal on the subject. If you speak with a Paralegal, you can probably get your question answered (along with some additional advice) for $50 to $100.
Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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RE: I've been served.

Postby mikey4644 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 06:39:38 PM

Well I just received another phone call from Credit Risk Management Canada this afternoon. They informed me that the court date that I had set was canceled and to call them if I needed more information.
I'm not going to believe them until I hear something from the court directly. if I don't receive papers within a week I'll go ahead and call the court house and confirm.

In response to Reggie2828, I wouldn't mind settling the debt for a 5% or 10% of the amount. My concern like I mentioned before is, if i begin speaking to them about the debt, am I essentially admitted to the debt and thus voiding the S.O.L and putting me in a much worse situation.

Thanks again everyone.
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RE: I've been served.

Postby reggie2828 » Tue Sep 15, 2009 06:25:13 PM


Ultimately u did owe them the money right, it just happens to be past SOL but at some point you owed them something. For sake of integrity and just clearing it up, better to settle it for a lower amount and get it over with..why leave a black dot
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RE: I've been served.

Postby RichardC » Sun Sep 13, 2009 06:00:06 PM

"admitting to the debt and voiding the S.O.L"

You are probably right on that Mike, I would talk to a lawyer on that one.

If the court agrees that your defence is valid and the limitation period has passed then you could always settle after that point and you will be in a much stronger postion to negotiate a low deal then.
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RE: I've been served.

Postby average_joe » Sun Sep 13, 2009 04:35:57 PM

I believe you should; because you never know you might have to do business with them someday. I had debts years ago that were past their sol and I still settled with them for 10%. If they don’t accept your 10%; then don’t pay them at all.

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RE: I've been served.

Postby mikey4644 » Sun Sep 13, 2009 04:28:08 PM

Should I even bother to settle? Since it is past the S.O.L. what would be the point now?
Also wouldn't offering to settle mean I'm admitting to the debt and voiding the S.O.L?
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