by advocate » Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:00:00 AM
As a new participant on this site, it seems the site it is to help those that have accounts still at the collection stage.
It appears yours has gone beyond this and more serious intervention may be needed.
Collectors often impersonate lawyers so the first thing 1'd want to do is call the Barristers Society or equavalent in whatever province you are in to see if such and such a firm actually exists or if it is collectors just playing a game of intimidation with you.
You mention that you want to enter into some form of payment. Sit down and immediately write a letter to the creditor, send a copy to the "lawyers" and keep a dated copy for your files, and propose a reasonable payment plan.
If the matter goeds to court, an honest offer to make arrangements, but an insistence to go to court may be in your favour. (However, if you are served papers to go to court, and you do not attend court, they will probably get a judgement against you in your absence.)
Short of that, it may be time to consult a lawyer or legal aid of some form in your province.
Keep in mind that if the matter goes to court, and there is a judgement, the creditor then has to take steps to collect by hiring others to execute on garnishee etc. This costs money. And if you have no assets is unlikely to happen. (Further more, whist you will never hear this from a collector, it is a standard practice in most courts to allow you to keep a reasonable percentage of any earnings before any garnishee can dip into the pot. You need to check what that level is in your province)
Also keep in mind that if the matter goes to judgement and you have no assets that are seizable at law, didlly happens except the documents are on file and you have a furhter credit problem. But the interest may well drop from the ridiculous bank rates to possible 5% or lower.
So what's better 28% or 5%. Da!
Without more detail in your post it is hard to offer further info.
hope this helps somewhat.