Collection Agencies - Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today - Canada

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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby average_joe » Fri Aug 28, 2009 01:54:15 PM

If the debt is twelve years old, there is nothing legally they can do to you. I would tell the bill collector next time, that the statute of limitation has passed and you are now considered stats barred. If you want to settle this account for moral reasons I can understand that, but you do not have too if you don’t want too.
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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby tohome12 » Fri Aug 28, 2009 01:38:32 PM

Follow up: They called again yesterday and I repeated myself - I demanded they send me the original contracts and a mail. The fellow did not mention even trying to do this - he promptly said this matter is with their legal department and they are preparing to sue me for $1000... well $978 to be exact.

I requested since this is a threat, they must follow though as it seems only in court will I get my proof and I requested they get TD involved on this almost 12 year old debt they calimed was orignally $350.

He then said he will no longer discuss this claim as I will be in court for this. Still... no mention or agreement to send me a notice or proof of this debt.

aktiv kapital = bullies
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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby tohome12 » Fri Jul 31, 2009 06:11:26 AM

I requested the fax number yesterday evening and they were a bit too nice - it is scary. They never asked anything about the debt or payment. I still want them to show proof of why this debt was in my name.
aktiv kapital = bullies
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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby tohome12 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:59:33 AM

Thank you. I plan to do exactly that. Apparently - she mentioned the debt was for around $300 and the interests took it to $1000. >:( These guys have got to be nuts.

Thank you very much.

aktiv kapital = bullies
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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby Ottawa_Chap » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:40:32 AM

A debt 10yrs old? My god Aktiv really is getting desparate for cash these days then. First off, doesn't matter where you are in the country that debt is Stats Barred, so you have very little to fear of them pursuing any legal action - It's simply not worth their time and/or money, and will be virtually impossible to obtain a judgement - you'd pretty much have to fail to submit a statement of defence.

Perhaps fax them down a letter indicating that you want them to Cease and Desist any further communications with your family, friends and/or associates; and limit any future communications with yourself to postal mail. Also in that letter indicate that you dispute the Alleged debt as they have failed to provide you with any documention which supports their claim.

That should shake their tree and shut them up for a little while.
Infuriating one C/A at a time..
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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby tohome12 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:17:16 AM

Also, why are they hanging up and not requesting my address and info to send me a mail?

I was about to offer my address so they can contact me with a mail but she rushed off the phone.
aktiv kapital = bullies
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RE: Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby tohome12 » Thu Jul 30, 2009 09:33:05 AM

Follow - up

As I stated earlier - I planned on calling them today and I did.

The Collector said they got the debt in 2007.
I told her she will have to send me proof of this or do not call me ever again - she said they can call as long as they like. I informed her to do so, this way I will log every call and record all convos.

I requested they send me proof since TD had non
I requested a copy of the last payment - who made it and how
I requested they bring this file to court or I will if they continue to harrass me.
I also informed them that an investigation will be submitted into these claims on my report and they will have to be removed.
I also told her I am not paying without more info on this file and they will have to sue me.

The Collector said that she does not have any records other than seeing it on my credit report. I asked for these statements in writing and that I iwll send a written letter against this dept and demand proof.

She kindly said "I am not longer having this discussion, good bye"

I asked her not to hang up until it is settled legally - she said "Good Bye" and hung up.

All through this I was never rude, I did not raise my voice and I had 2 witnesses with me on my speaker phone.

Should I call them again tomorrow or until I know they have received my letter?

aktiv kapital = bullies
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Aktiv Kapital called my workplace today

Postby tohome12 » Wed Jul 29, 2009 09:34:51 PM

I am about to sue... I would like to play it safe.

First off - This was my first contact with this company on the phone today. They said I owed a debt to TD

They said the last payment was in 1998
They said they pulled a credit report on me and it is on my file - they also said they have my SIN number.
I told them I will contact TD as I do not have nor ever had a card with this bank. I also requested they do not call my place of employment - They said they got the number from pulling a credit report on me and they are allowed to call it as much as they like. I offered the person my home line and go their info... started to investigate.

Worried - I called TD and offered my info - their departments have no records of me I was told and if they did - Aktiv Kapital bought it and they have no ties and never will to this. I requested they re-open the file or something because this agency is telling me I owe them a ridiculous amount of money I know nothing of. They said they cannot help me as they have no records or trace of my existence with TD.

Now... I checked my report - TD is off the list on Equifax but on Trans Union as a over 10 year old debt... that is another issue I have to clear up tomorrow.
As for Aktiv Kapital - I plan to ask them to sue me... they have not sent me a letter to state what I owed... nor provided proof of what I owe.

Do they have any right to pursue me for $1000?
aktiv kapital = bullies
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 08:56:54 PM


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