Collection Agencies - Wells Fago& trans canada - Canada

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RE: Wells Fago& trans canada

Postby franniee2003 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 03:14:40 PM

I think you need to walk your self down to the legal clinic and talk to someone about going back to court I would take my chances with the judge I would also bring a total list of all my bills and all my Income I know I am having a tough time trying to get a collection company to clean up my credit report all I am getting is the run around More forms and papers and notes and all I get is crap
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RE: Wells Fago& trans canada

Postby ballbreaker 2 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 02:25:13 PM

Ya but how can they do this with out contacting me in about 9 years??? Not 1 letter at all to let me know that my ex wasn't paying?? They are now saying that the bill is 15,601.00 and in 99 it was 10,000. after all paper work and that doesn't count the pay-ments I made after words cause I was paying 250.00 a month till I took the ex to court and I gave them around 500. 2001 which they said they can't find which sucks. they have taken abot 1500. total now from my checks since april. I have tried to talk to this guy and I talked to his supervisor and really didn't get an answer and he said he would try and get him to phone me back and the supervsor didn't even know that they were to get money from the garnishee yet which is crazy!! But isn't there a law to state that if they haven't gotten ahold of you after 7 years, then its null??
ballbreaker 2
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RE: Wells Fago& trans canada

Postby RichardC » Thu Jul 02, 2009 02:16:16 PM

Fighting them on it in court is complicated and going to cost you more money and probably more sleepless nights then what its worth. Now based on everything you wrote below you are going to need a representative (lawyer/paralegal) and they don’t work for free.

How much is the total amount of the debt and what’s today’s market value of your mobile?

If you are sitting on some equity on your home you can try to get a small mortgage and use that money to settle the debt you got stuck with in a lump sum. You can do this yourself if you know what to do, or hire professionals like my company to do it. If you go DIY, make sure you do it right so they dont come back on you. You will also need to be prepared to go all the way as most debt settlement companies don’t like to clean up someone else’s mess when they get frustrated and want to hand it over to someone else.

Creditors will make every effort collect without suing, trust me, going the legal route is less desirable to them as well. It takes time/money/human resources. Even though you say you didn’t see those efforts, they were made. Either way, its really not the issue because what’s done is done.

Since there is a judgment and garnishment in place your position to bargain is weaker, but if you can raise about 50-75% of what you owe, a deal to settle might be possible.
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RE: Wells Fago& trans canada

Postby ballbreaker 2 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 01:08:36 PM

ya, I do own a mobile and my jeep and what is in my place. I am almost finished my morgage which I just found out today that I owe under 5000. as of aug 1st of this year so I am happy about this but with wells they didn't contact me till last year of nov/08 and I haven't talked to trans canada since march 27th /01 when I brought the new papers of me taking the ex too court to pay them. Then I didn't hear any-thing till my boss phoned me and told me that I was being garnisheed and that was at the end of march/09. I had no idea that my ex wasn't paying, no letters, no phone call. So how can they do this and would I have a chance in court to get this straightened out???
ballbreaker 2
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RE: Wells Fago& trans canada

Postby RichardC » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:59:30 PM

Ballbreaker ( nice handle btw ),

You haven't really talked enough about what assets/liabilities you have to offer some real useful help.

Are you a homeowner, if so are you sitting on any equity or LTV?

To sum it up, you have three options 1) try to work with them voluntarily or through the court system to reduce the garnishment amount 2) maybe even settle on the debt if you can raise a lump sum or 3) hand over you debt dilemma to a trustee in bankruptcy, if you are insolvent and have nothing to loose this might be your best route.

By your post my guess is the latter might be the best route to go if you can’t afford the garnishment.

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Wells Fago& trans canada

Postby ballbreaker 2 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:54:47 AM

I was with trans canada with my ex starting around 1998 and then took the ex to court to finish paying his half and let trans canada know this and never heard from any-one till Nov11/08 and then not again until my boss came to me and said my wages are being garnisheed at the end of march /09 for this bill I thought was paid or being paid by my ex. I tried and tried to talk to them and left 20 some-thing messages and this Dennis guy won't talk to me and now they have been taking 33% off of each check and expect me to live off of 1000.00 a month cause we are only living off of my check cause my hubby is sick.I have never recieved any letters and I have been in the ssame place for 18 years coming up and I did talk to a supervisor and he even lied and said they sent me letters which is crap because I never ever recieved these letters. Treated me like a liar, and said I have to talk to Dennis who won't call me. I really need to know what to do. I don't want to have to go bank-rupt but if I do I will. I even told these guys that and the supurvisor said well do it!! Help please cause I find this unfair.I haven't talked to Trans canada since March/01 or recieved a letter at all since then and now this and I still can't find my ex and neither can they!
ballbreaker 2
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Joined: Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:40:22 AM
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