Canadian Credit Bureaus - How do I fix this ??? - Canada

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby elenor52 » Thu Jul 23, 2009 06:16:39 AM

On mt credit report was a Rogers listing and it was under Global Credit Collections.
I have made a settlement with them. My question is can Rogers now send the balance I didn't pay throught the settlement to another credit agency?
I have a release letter from Global
Elenor Babine
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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby Rinconns » Thu Jul 23, 2009 04:05:06 AM

icor has made requests to Rogers to remove the listing. So far they have not responded to the request. If they do not remove it I will file a complaint with transunion and equifax
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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby nameuser » Wed Jul 22, 2009 08:28:24 PM

This is actually not allowed. This double listing of accounts one under the agency and one under the creditor.

The problem is that trans union and equifax make so much money off the agencies that complaints are never really taken seriously. If you complain enough they'll eventually go and remove it but they shouldn't keep doing this to people.

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby daoustm » Wed Jul 22, 2009 11:18:02 AM

This is interesting. I currently have a problem with Rogers and NCO. To sum it up, I decided to dump Rogers and go another provider. They seemed to get pissy, waited 30 days and sent my account to a collection agency (NCO). Everything was paid in full, but now these 2 derogatory items (one from Rogers and one from NCO) are killing my credit rating.

So I think I am going to take this approach with NCO and then with Rogers. Can anybody give a copy of the letter they used?

P.S: On top of this, when I paid NCO they agreed to remove the the item from my credit report (verbally, stupid me didn't get it in writing) but never did.

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby Rinconns » Mon Jul 13, 2009 07:46:18 AM

another update

IQOR has agreed to remove the second listing.

Apparntly, from what I read. Once the account goes in collections, it should report as Rogers/IQOR for example. And not a seperate listing for each. So I would assume the second deragatory comment would drag my score down further, regardless of the fact it is for the same account as Rogers.

I will check my credit report in about 45 days. If the listing is removed, I will consider the issue closed and resolved. If Not I will make a complaint to the commisioner.
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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby Rinconns » Mon Jul 13, 2009 06:48:21 AM

Hey Joe, just to give you an update

I am in direct email contact with someone from IQOR who is handling my complaint. They are arguing the "credit reporting act" allows them to report whatever they want to my file. Which I strongly disagree.

But on a sidenote,

read this comment from the IQOR email

"Under your contract with Rogers they have the right to refer the account to the collection agency and under the credit reporting act we are required to provide details of any account in default as allowed by the law. If you notice on your credit report "Rogers" listing is not listed under Rogers, but rather iQor collections for Rogers account."

Now this is not accurate, he seems to be suggesting the IQOR and Rogers posting to my file should be merged and posted as one, but it is infact to seperate posts.

anyway, according to the act, and the rogers contract, they both say the same thing. Information given to collection agenices may only be used in collection of the debt. I think using this information to post to my credit file is outside of the act and contract.

(3) For the purpose of clause 4.3 of Schedule 1, and despite the note that accompanies that clause, an organization may disclose personal information without the knowledge or consent of the individual only if the disclosure is

(b) for the purpose of collecting a debt owed by the individual to the organization;

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby average_joe » Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:09:15 AM

Did you use the letter I sent you? If so, send me a private message letting me know how you made out. I bet they will remove their item, for the simple fact they do not want to waste their money or time sending you the information you requested.

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby Rinconns » Wed Jun 03, 2009 09:30:30 AM

hey Joe

I decided to try emailing IQOR

THis is the response I got to my request for information on my account and who/what gave them authorization to access and report my credit information. I gave them 30 days to reply or remove the comments posted to my credit file

This is the email I just got back,

I have forwarded your information and someone will be in touch with you shortly.


Dianne C. Vazansky

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby average_joe » Tue Jun 02, 2009 07:58:50 PM

They have different offices and i would call and find out the address of the one you settled with or their fax number.

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RE: How do I fix this ???

Postby Rinconns » Tue Jun 02, 2009 07:47:36 PM

Thanks joe, you have been a great help

I already started typing my letter.
Do you think this will work?

Alos do you have a verified address for IQOR?
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