Collection Agencies - 2 years old debt - Canada

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RE: 2 years old debt

Postby hate_romania » Sat Apr 04, 2009 10:42:30 AM

the last time a payment has passed was on december 2006, so there is still 8 months before the SOL expires

now what should i do, i don't have the money to pay (blame the economy)

will Metropolitan Collection sue me over 3300$? who can i ask if they bought the debt should i call Dell Financial?
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RE: 2 years old debt

Postby average_joe » Sat Apr 04, 2009 08:23:46 AM

What month and year was the last time you made a payment on the account? If it's close to being over three years, I would wait. If the three years go by; you will have better leverage when it comes to settling the debt.
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RE: 2 years old debt

Postby hate_romania » Sat Apr 04, 2009 08:16:51 AM

The first collection agency was CBCL and now is with Credti Metropolitan, i am tring to see if the bought the debt and if they will actualy sue me or shoud i just wait for the 3 years SOL to pass and do nothing in the mean time?
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RE: 2 years old debt

Postby average_joe » Fri Apr 03, 2009 08:23:44 PM

Which collection agency is the debt with?
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RE: 2 years old debt

Postby average_joe » Fri Apr 03, 2009 08:22:07 PM

The sol must be close to being past three years; I would wait till that passes and call them up and settle for a low percentage. If you do settle, have them agree that they won't change your date of last activity. If they do agree make sure everything is in writing before handing over your money.
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2 years old debt

Postby hate_romania » Fri Apr 03, 2009 07:39:27 PM

Here is my story

Back in 2006 i got a loan for 2400$ from Dell Computers
On Jan 2007 i lost my job and i defaulted on the loan. So they sent me in collection with a external collection company

After about 5 months of them trying to call me to collect, and because i didn't answer to the phone calls they sent me a finall letter saying that this is the last time they will try to contact me after this they will sent the file back to the original creditor for them to do with it as they wish. This was back in 2007 July i think.

Now since then i didn't heard a single work from them. Now in march 2009 i got another letter from another external collection company trying to collect 3300$ for Dell Computers.

Now here is my dillemma.

1. For some reason the first collection company never touched my credit, my credit file with equifax actualy got better in time i was at 545 in 2007 now at 685 (i had some late payments because i lost my job), do you think this second company will ruin my credit? they sent me a letter on the 16 march and today i pulled my credit file and its nothing about collection

2. Do you think they will sue me if i don't pay? Statue of limitation where i live (Quebec Canada) is 3 years. What is the rule of thumb for a company to try to sue over what amount of money?

3. If i call them and i make a payment argreement the SOL is reseted back to 0, and even if i pay and they eventualy post the collection on my acc because the last activity will be recent will have a greater impact on my credit, then for it to be posted with the last activity in 2007

So what are my options, taking in consideration that i am very very tight with money

Thank You
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