by Zacksdad » Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:20:55 AM
I have done a little myself by flipping houses.The problem is though its really hard to get a house at a low enough cost to fix up and then sell.I do the work myself but still the cost of materials is high.Another problem is you need to find houses in an area where you can put 20,000 to 30,000 on it and not get a little high for the neighborhood. Most houses you see at a low cost there is usually a reason. Also another problem is the hidden things you might find,there is always a surprise somewhere in the house that could cost another 10,000 and that just might be a lot of your profit. I have only done houses that need repair though not just buying real estate to make money on. But with both ways the market does play a lot of what will happen,even a good deal on a house you have for sale isn't much good when no one is buying.